LIPA 6th Form College – Liverpool City Centre
Highway Authority :Liverpool City Council
Developer:The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts, (LIPA)
Lead Designer/Consultant:Ryder Architects
Project Scope:Transport Assessment and Travel Plan Framework for new 6th Form College with a performing arts focus, in Liverpool City Centre
Completion Date:September 2016
The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts, (LIPA) opened a new 6th Form College on its existing campus in the historic Hope Street area of Liverpool to accommodate an increasing demand for 6th Form education in the performing arts. Flinders Chase completed the Transport Assessment for the project, undertaking traffic counts and a junction capacity assessment at the priority intersection of Hope Street / Upper Duke Street in Liverpool City Centre. PICADY software was used to assess the junction capacity and a Car Park Accumulation Survey was undertaken on the existing LIPA Campus. A recommendation was made to take the new 6th Form College forward as a “car free” development. This required an assessment of existing car parking facilities within a reasonable walking distance of the proposed college, and a review of sustainable transport options for the staff and students.
Flinders Chase also wrote the Travel Plan Framework for the college, making recommendations for methods and practices to maximise travel by sustainable modes. Flinders Chase subsequently negotiated with Liverpool City Council Highway Officers to establish a S278 Agreement to undertake minor improvements to the highway in the vicinity of the proposed college, including the processing of Traffic Regulation Orders to restrict kerbside parking, loading and waiting.