Woodford Primary School, Stockport

Procuring Authority:Redrow Homes

Academy Sponsors:The Laurus Trust

Design & Build Contractor:Conlon Construction


Project Value:£5.8m

Pupil Numbers:236 (3 – 11)

Gross Floor Area:1,508m2

Project Type:100% new build

Completion Date:August 2022

Woodford Primary School is brand new primary school commissioned and funded by Redrow Homes in the heart of Woodford Garden Village.  The new self-delivered primary school was designed and commenced construction before the size of the school was confirmed and without any end user in place.  Flinders Chase led the delivery of the scheme as project manager, procuring a full design team and a design and build contractor via a bespoke two-stage process.  The innovative site and building designs provide central facilities, external grounds and plant sized for a 2FE primary school.  An expandable teaching block allows the school to easily grow from 1FE to 2FE as demand increases.  The building features a gull-wing zinc feature roof to the multi-purpose hall and first floor library.  The outstanding external facilities include a junior pitch, mini-soccer pitch, MUGA, play equipment, outdoor classroom and forest school areas and are amongst the best in the country for a state school of this size.  The pre-school and reception intake were oversubscribed in the first year of opening.  A strategically complex scheme with three effective clients (Redrow Homes, Stockport Council and The Laurus Trust), Flinders Chase worked quickly to manage over 80 variations once the end user was appointed during the construction process and deliver the project on time for opening in Sept 2022.