Paddington Village Infrastructure Works
Client:Morgan Sindall (D&B Contractor to Liverpool City Council)
Commission:March 2017 to present
Services Provided:Transportation Planning, Highways Outline and Detailed Design, Contract Documentation, Site Supervision
Contract Value:£1m Highway Works

The Knowledge Quarter lies on the eastern fringes of Liverpool City Centre and is already the home to the University of Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores University and the Royal University Teaching Hospital. The aim is to grow the area into a nationally renowned knowledge and research-based zone, with the £1 billion Paddington Village development being the nucleus of this expansion.
The Central Development area is the 1st phase of this programme. The Infrastructure Works package, is transforming the brown-field site ready for development, by the creation of building plots, the introduction of supporting infrastructure and the provision of a high-quality public realm. Flinders Chase were commissioned to provide transportation and highways consultancy support to the planning application for these Infrastructure Works.
Traffic surveys and assignments were undertaken, envisioning the fully developed site in a revised road layout, to assess future traffic demands on the local highway network. Junction modelling was undertaken and highway amelioration proposals developed to ensure that operational functionality was retained, which included road widening and enhanced signal control (incorporating facilities for cyclists). The provision of a fully segregated cycle route around the periphery of the site along with enhanced cyclists infrastructure facilities at key junctions was a fundamental recommendation. These investigations and recommendations were all incorporated into a comprehensive Transport Assessment.
Following award of Planning Consent, Flinders Chase prepared the contract documentation for the highway improvement works, including enhanced footway with high quality paving specification, fully segregated cycle route, signage, street lighting and traffic signal improvements. Drawings, a specification and bills of quantity were prepared in accordance with Highways England’s model documents, which were approved by the Highway Authority as acceptable for Adoption. Flinders Chase continue their involvement, being appointed as Site Supervisors for these highway works.
CGIs courtesy of Ares Landscape Architects